Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hell. I realised I have to vote on this comin election. Tsk.

Hmm. P.A.P (It would be really rad if that stands for PEOPLE AGAINST PEOPLE....) orrrrrr the Workers' Party? Well, for me...I think the whole election thing is really over. Yep. Over. I mean when the government start giving cash(progress package) out....you can jolly well say that the whole thing is really a walk over. Really I mean...I was excited as fuck when I first heard of the whole progress package thing. I think the only way any opposition party could do now to win me over is to make BOLD statements like....

A) Promising the people a 4 work days a week. Erasing the dreadful monday blues away.
B) Makin Kylie a Singapore PR. Fuck yeah.
C) Slap a big fat fine on companies who let their kind employees to work after 6pm. Wouldn't that be a wonderful thought.
D) No more reservist. For good...................
Yeah. I wish.


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