Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
from the cosmos
Got an email today from one of the Cosmos guys. They are mastering the songs out right now. Can't wait to hear the final cuts. Played guitar on 2 tracks. Geez...that seems like a long time ago.
Anyways...here it is:
Hey friends!
Thanks for coming down to some of our gigs and being patient enough but finally we can say that the album will be out soon. We are in the midst of mastering the tapes and they sound really great!
much love,
nick tan (the cosmos)
Anyways...here it is:
Hey friends!
Thanks for coming down to some of our gigs and being patient enough but finally we can say that the album will be out soon. We are in the midst of mastering the tapes and they sound really great!
much love,
nick tan (the cosmos)

Friday, January 26, 2007
I was totally mentally prepared to stay right out there in the outfields with guys I hardly know for the whole of 2 weeks.
But yeah, here I am in the office typin all this shit out. Ha. Yeah, you probably guessed it by now....I got myself deferred from it all.
My boss typed a letter out and all I had to do was to show it to my commander. It was that quick and pretty easy actually.
"Sir, here's a letter from my boss..."
Thats it. That was all I said. I was beginnin to believe my commander wasn't gonna let me go that easily at first...but heck,
by the time it was my time to show him my letter, I was totally confident.
Check this out....even the guy before me got deferred with a less appealin reason than what I had. Apparently, his wife wrote a long handwritten letter out for the commander not lettin him go. Her excuse? Well, they just got married less than 3 months ago and it seems, with her missin her dear husband for the whole of 2 weeks around the house was too much for her to take I guess. I was gigglin out loud when I heard that at first but then I realised actually...."Hey...you know what....it's kinda sweet actually."
So yep yep....back to work. Just when I thought everythin seems to be in the direction that I was hopin for.....some of the things changed somehow. I don't know. It just feels different. And no .it's not about work at all.
I know this may sound totally fuckin hilarious but.....maybe.....
......I should have stayed on for my reservist.
"I left the best of my intentions,
Took it one day at a time,
It's not like all is lost or that the world is ending,
We've just fallen from divine,
Whatever direction we go,
Rest assured the one thing we know,
Things just didn't really go to our dismay,
It's not like all is lost or that the world is ending,
We've just fallen from divine,
The last train is leaving,
There's nothing more than I can say,
I didn't mean to bring you down,
I guess I'll see you around,
Will I see you around..."
I was totally mentally prepared to stay right out there in the outfields with guys I hardly know for the whole of 2 weeks.
But yeah, here I am in the office typin all this shit out. Ha. Yeah, you probably guessed it by now....I got myself deferred from it all.
My boss typed a letter out and all I had to do was to show it to my commander. It was that quick and pretty easy actually.
"Sir, here's a letter from my boss..."
Thats it. That was all I said. I was beginnin to believe my commander wasn't gonna let me go that easily at first...but heck,
by the time it was my time to show him my letter, I was totally confident.
Check this out....even the guy before me got deferred with a less appealin reason than what I had. Apparently, his wife wrote a long handwritten letter out for the commander not lettin him go. Her excuse? Well, they just got married less than 3 months ago and it seems, with her missin her dear husband for the whole of 2 weeks around the house was too much for her to take I guess. I was gigglin out loud when I heard that at first but then I realised actually...."Hey...you know what....it's kinda sweet actually."
So yep yep....back to work. Just when I thought everythin seems to be in the direction that I was hopin for.....some of the things changed somehow. I don't know. It just feels different. And no .it's not about work at all.
I know this may sound totally fuckin hilarious but.....maybe.....
......I should have stayed on for my reservist.
"I left the best of my intentions,
Took it one day at a time,
It's not like all is lost or that the world is ending,
We've just fallen from divine,
Whatever direction we go,
Rest assured the one thing we know,
Things just didn't really go to our dismay,
It's not like all is lost or that the world is ending,
We've just fallen from divine,
The last train is leaving,
There's nothing more than I can say,
I didn't mean to bring you down,
I guess I'll see you around,
Will I see you around..."
Friday, January 19, 2007
Just finished off some final chord progressions to an original song late yesterday night.
In the dark.
On my bed.
jugglin with a cigarette in one hand.
Before I was ready to head off to la la land, A freakin lightbulb just suddenly appeared out of the blue on the top of my head and the chords just came all together.
And besides...the song have been layin around too long unfinished. Hmmmm.....a song title/theme...had a few in mine.
• SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? (My favourite by far....)
• WE DIG GIRLS WHO DIG GIRLS (That would pretty interrrrrrrestin to write about....)
• KA-BOOM! THE ULTIMATE ORGASMIC EXPERIENCE. (Yeah I know....what the fuck right....)
• THE QUEENS OF QUEENS (Isn't that a freakin sitcom show or somethin....well...I just like the sound of it I guess.)
• M.I.(A).F.S ( Hmmmm...I wonder what that stands for.....ha..)
I don't know. Maybe I'll just wait for another bright lookin lightbulb to go off once again.
In the dark.
On my bed.
jugglin with a cigarette in one hand.
Before I was ready to head off to la la land, A freakin lightbulb just suddenly appeared out of the blue on the top of my head and the chords just came all together.
And besides...the song have been layin around too long unfinished. Hmmmm.....a song title/theme...had a few in mine.
• SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? (My favourite by far....)
• WE DIG GIRLS WHO DIG GIRLS (That would pretty interrrrrrrestin to write about....)
• KA-BOOM! THE ULTIMATE ORGASMIC EXPERIENCE. (Yeah I know....what the fuck right....)
• THE QUEENS OF QUEENS (Isn't that a freakin sitcom show or somethin....well...I just like the sound of it I guess.)
• M.I.(A).F.S ( Hmmmm...I wonder what that stands for.....ha..)
I don't know. Maybe I'll just wait for another bright lookin lightbulb to go off once again.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I'm in that "What if I............." thinkin mode right now. Well, lets see..."What if I......
......no shit!.......
.............Oh hell, shut up baby!
......no shit!.......
.............Oh hell, shut up baby!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A Very Very January
Thats how I will describe John Legend's gig at the Esplanade on monday.
But after all that, my donkey friends and me (of course) were giggling away to the thought/sight of the keyboardist for John Legend cause he certainly very much look like Andre 3000. Other than that silly thought, it was simply amazing.
Will be away for reservist early next week. Shucks. 3 bloody weeks alright. One thing's certain though, I AM NOT lookin much forward to all that. Plus, it's the rainy season now...imagine this....the rain pourin like mad...me in green soakin wet...nothin macho about that since I'll be all bloody wet....including my beautiful face...full on....stuck in the woods with guys I hardly know at all... for the whooooooole of 3 fuckin weeks. Yeah...imagine that. Hell.
As always....things here at work have been gettin CRAZZZIER.
Here's the thing. If you don't like working in an environment....maybe that I could understand.....if you dun wanna look forward to work at all.....maybe that too I could simply understand.....but forgetin your responsibilities...and being a selfish jackass while comin to work and wastin everyone's time...now that's completely bull. If you gonna be that way in the end....here's my mind blowing solution to you....don't bother to work. At all.
So yeah, it's only the start of a new year but some things are all over the place.
Like the band for instance. things are really not lookin up for us at the moment but gonna have a band meetin this saturday and hopefully this time around, things might look up after that.
Oh well, it's only January.......
Thats how I will describe John Legend's gig at the Esplanade on monday.
But after all that, my donkey friends and me (of course) were giggling away to the thought/sight of the keyboardist for John Legend cause he certainly very much look like Andre 3000. Other than that silly thought, it was simply amazing.
Will be away for reservist early next week. Shucks. 3 bloody weeks alright. One thing's certain though, I AM NOT lookin much forward to all that. Plus, it's the rainy season now...imagine this....the rain pourin like mad...me in green soakin wet...nothin macho about that since I'll be all bloody wet....including my beautiful face...full on....stuck in the woods with guys I hardly know at all... for the whooooooole of 3 fuckin weeks. Yeah...imagine that. Hell.
As always....things here at work have been gettin CRAZZZIER.
Here's the thing. If you don't like working in an environment....maybe that I could understand.....if you dun wanna look forward to work at all.....maybe that too I could simply understand.....but forgetin your responsibilities...and being a selfish jackass while comin to work and wastin everyone's time...now that's completely bull. If you gonna be that way in the end....here's my mind blowing solution to you....don't bother to work. At all.
So yeah, it's only the start of a new year but some things are all over the place.
Like the band for instance. things are really not lookin up for us at the moment but gonna have a band meetin this saturday and hopefully this time around, things might look up after that.
Oh well, it's only January.......